Essayist resembles eunuch, oneself do not to finish sth, clean look the emperor handled affairs over, drop off everywhere later, pretend to understand.
Making friend still is fair-weather friend has been compared, wine flesh is in in the friend.
Be like a man, I love full mouth you, can say to marry with respect to dodge, often still want to ask you want money flower, can explain he did not plan to want you at all only, holding you one day more is a day, wanted to be pregnant to disappear immediately really.
My from the start is known to literary it doesn't matter, do not know what is literature, oneself think oneself are written. The knowledge that says real literature is a very complex issue, without what standard, everybody can have his level.
Dare to defy everybody, make the dream after all, it is a kind of acme that be an upright person.
That such, fasten bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of humankind, sigh oneself the order became small. You are young still, as before beautiful.
Peacock spread its tail is admittedly good-looking, but turning around is fart eye.
I once thought the day is not over too, future is completely different. Now, I stay in the future of myself, I have the change with real what without him discovery, my dream still resembles in one's childhood euqally distant, what differ exclusively is I had not planned to come true it.
From in one's heart the person that I am an earnest person tradition, but the fact can let me be treated gravely without what thing.
You are fed up with me, should mix I am different, more civilized than me, you but ten million is careful do not become the person with me.
Your path with its person still treats its person, you become your enemy.
Be in to be before the person of cry bitterly, you are cannot of averment, resemble a rascal repenting euqally only.
Force have what good ox, this plaything girls hand.
If be lost in overly method, forgot the purpose always finally.
Plain sailing also be a kind drab. Still basically want to see final result, ending is considerable, process some rise and fall in the future is talk endowment.
I more and more feel I and this society has estrangement, a bit cynical, this state of mind should leave a person a bit further, do not hamper those work get the person of as it happens. Retreat from inside the life of others. Calm already angst, calm is in his true colors, angst depends on can'ting restrain the impulse that make known one's position.
A person was done not have, what saying also is redundant, recording it may not be a bad idea, forget it may not be a bad idea, it is living person is valued, the person that die is already far go, good-bye face forgot the thing of this generation early also probably.
When others points out your advantage, should modest accept.
Experience tells me, major person does not deserve I am treated with honest manner. Honest most moment won't make a thing simpler, bring about awkwardness and together of needless thoughts or recollections flashing across one's mind instead. General meeting is pointed to to be lack heart, at the same time abet a kind of very undesirable state of mind: Proud.
You believe Buddha originally, bonze hurt your heart. You believe Christ originally, church hurt your heart. You are original whats are believed, oneself hurt oneself heart.
Tragic, be watch good destruction to the person, comedic, it is a life worthless tear the person looks, different is ruinous job.
Should be chosen to compromise and be obedient to instinctively when pressure by me, would rather takes the step that overtly agree but covertly oppose also not station of straighten one's back comes out to say not! Because I never had been persuaded, also be disinclined to seek the understanding of others so. The person is impenetrable and self-righteous, the only method of live in peace with each other is deceit.
Life does not pass hundred years, still want to part company finally, aeon disappears, we shifted to an earlier date 5 minutes nevertheless just.
Have so a flock of people, fascist cries in Japan, nazi cries in Germany, patriot cries in China!
Look forth, can be expected soon; Toward time look, like greased lightning. This is my feeling to years.
Time is receive junk, you want to throw junk him originally, also threw oneself not carefully however.
Someone says he is not installed, had never installed, you go up rapidly remember he is long what kind of, you see him shameless.
What also look disappears to still stand in that look, admiring a neck, goggle at cataract, this calls belief.
At ordinary times everybody is installed, do not install hit a brains early child came. Society, be a gang person is installed over, who is installed, somebody looks for you to chat. The mankind installs an outfit to wear namely, just progress ah.
You must have a heart to abound only, ability casts off the likeness of these life surfaces.
Fashionable dad is halfback, the dad of halfback is additional kind, additional kind dad is to rebel.
The age is older, patient degree smaller. Cannot respect the person that those small gesture conduct oneself in society, it is my defect, bully the weak and fear the strong still is on root, those have power and influence even if be accepted 2 force how I also didn't follow a person to pass urgently face to face. This is very bad, or follows everybody urgent, or follows everybody with respect to this polite, what difference talks about what difference, do not pretend to explode disposition.
That is one understands without by accident empty dot, resemble a hole on the sock, others cannot see, myself heart knows abdomen bright: I flaunt that all the way the novel is to be in actually simplify the life.
Must not go test your friend, can undergo test without a few friends.
The person that thief of a few edges that join a market dare not berate, be brave in to halloo however destroyed small Japan! The a gang connects the person with the indifferent anguish of living people, however the face says not to forget gone brethren.
Again difficult also want subsist, resemble still can seeing today in that way, the most ignorant person lives best, it is a batch of fool are propping up the mankind, perhaps love saying word with the person that fawns on people- - the back that is the mankind.
Green years resembles a river, flowing to flowing to become muddy liquid.
I think criticism does not divide well-meaning criticism and baleful criticism, you must be criticized well-meaningly wait not to let a person criticize then actually.
Interesting person mind is open, what to listen to not to make a fuss of.
Does careless root counterpoise without speech? Be silent great majority? Not be royal those who be born is careless root, I understand so. How do you understand?
Miss a point, what remember to the end of his life now is bitter, cross a head of a few years of farewell to look, you can feel footy.
The life is unalterable, I am changed, everybody does not want to destroy my good humor.
The purest relation is monetary concern, the equalest concern is contractual relationship.
My life ideal is not fictionist, however the public house is big assistant manager, need not have held the post of responsibly all one's life so.
You can discover in the end, of the person not free, the biggest earn be not being taken off is person and person, kiss affection, friendship, love -- all others are paid for yours. We are bound closely together so namely, be born at warmth, die at warmth.
Culture is too terrible, like food, do not eat, dead, ate to be modelled by it.
I feel disgusted all along the person with too persistent belief, mere ego deceit also stopped, often cause very great harm to others.
The woman resembles glasses, degree is improper, continue to wearing a meeting attaint eyesight.
I feel joy is the ability of narcissism, can ignore reality, can omit actual, can of virtual reality, hold out an ox to break.
Clever person has a characteristic, be good at doing worthless thing namely vivid and dramatic, swim in fishbowl, also have the breadth of spirit that brave the wind and waves.