王朔 · 851人关注
英文版: I once thought the day is not over too, future is completely different. Now, I stay in the future of myself, I have the change with real what without him discovery, my dream still resembles in one's childhood euqally distant, what differ exclusively is I had not planned to come true it.
火星文: 莪曾經鉯為ㄖ孓昰過鈈完啲,未唻昰完銓鈈┅樣啲。哯茬,莪就槑茬莪自己啲未唻,莪莈洧發哯自己洧什仫眞㊣啲變囮,莪啲夢想還像曉塒候┅樣遙遠,唯┅鈈哃啲昰莪巳經鈈咑算實哯咜叻。