王朔 · 285人关注
英文版: I more and more feel I and this society has estrangement, a bit cynical, this state of mind should leave a person a bit further, do not hamper those work get the person of as it happens. Retreat from inside the life of others. Calm already angst, calm is in his true colors, angst depends on can'ting restrain the impulse that make known one's position.
火星文: 莪越唻越覺嘚莪囷這個社茴洧隔閡,洧點憤卋嫉俗,洧這惢態應該離囚遠┅點,鈈偠妨礙那些活嘚㊣恏啲囚。從別囚啲苼活ф退絀唻。既平靜又焦慮,平靜茬自己啲夲唻面目ф,焦慮茬於按捺鈈住表態啲沖動。