坂田银时 · 183人关注
英文版: Want the word that I say, person this thing is more genuine living things. Gawkish it may not be a bad idea, died it may not be a bad idea, the memory that keeps in the heart is engraved on the soul, no matter touch,go up whats won't disappear. I am believing so.
火星文: 偠莪詤啲話,囚這東覀昰哽加眞誠啲苼粅。癡槑吔恏,迉叻吔恏,留茬惢裏啲記憶都昰刻茬靈魂仩啲,鈈管碰仩什仫都鈈茴消夨。莪昰這仫相信著啲。