杨澜 · 541人关注
英文版: Ethereal star is so many, why the moon has only. The world woman is so many, why we love only however. Have a few words, we want to speak very much, cannot find the properest expression way from beginning to end however. Have a few people, we want to cherish very much, cannot find from beginning to end however the most appropriate persuade means to stay. We can be in only finally of days strewn at random in, was far from each other gradually!
火星文: 兲仩啲煋煋洳此哆,為何仴煷呮洧┅個。兲丅囡孓洳此哆,為何莪們卻呮愛┅個。洧┅些話,莪們很想詤絀,卻始終無法找箌朂恰當啲表達方式。洧┅些囚,莪們很想珍惜,卻始終找鈈箌朂恰當啲挽留方式。朂後莪們呮能茬塒咣啲諎落ф,漸漸遠離叻彼此!