安意如 · 682人关注
英文版: Days sheds the past slowly, those before fresh person, their blood stream becomes the grief of the river, turned the skin in skit into bursa gradually, only, thin thin, where individual can cover a body to come up act; The black and white character between page, frivolous, everybody can be mentioned. They became an old practice, became myth.
火星文: 塒咣慢慢地鋶過去叻,那些鉯往鮮活啲囚,彵們血鋶成河啲哀傷,漸漸變成叻戲攵裏啲皮囊,單單啲,薄薄啲,哪個囚都能夠套箌身仩唻演;圕頁の間啲嫼苩攵芓,輕薄,誰都能夠談起。彵們成叻故倳,成叻神話。