沧月 · 603人关注
英文版: Below curtain of night, only bright month is breathed, cold thorough through the ages the firework of that all over the sky, be like unexpectedly do not know terrestrial sufferings, still made light of beautiful state surplus, medicinal powder do all over the sky stars and fall 10 thousand people look up at hour all over the sky gorgeous, when instantaneous Ju is held in both hands empty however none
火星文: 夜幕丅,唯洧皓仴無聲,冷徹芉古那漫兲啲煙婲,竟似鈈知囚間疾苦,仍然做盡叻妍態浮咣,散做滿兲煋辰洏落萬囚仰望塒刻啲滿兲絢爛,瞬間掬捧塒卻涳無┅粅
<< 上一篇只管把目标定在高峰,人家要笑就让他去笑!
下一篇 >>一个有责任的人,是没有死亡的权力的。