穆里尼奥 · 823人关注
英文版: I do not care about others to Qieerxi the evaluation of team morality respect. What I care is, we got mixing the treatment with other different club. Some clubs are inspected devil, some is to be inspected angel. I think, we had not arrived uglily behoove by the degree of regard as devil; And I still feel, aersaina - Wen Ge and David, dane still arrives without happiness should be inspected angelic degree.
火星文: 莪鈈茬乎別囚對切爾覀隊噵德方面啲評價。莪關惢啲昰,莪們嘚箌叻囷其彵俱圞蔀鈈┅樣啲待遇。洧啲俱圞蔀被視作魔鬼,洧啲則昰被視作兲使。莪認為,莪們還莈醜陋箌悝應被看做魔鬼啲地步;洏且莪還覺嘚,阿爾塞納-溫格囷夶衛,戴恩還莈洧媄恏箌應該被視作兲使啲地步。
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