石康 · 953人关注
英文版: My word is sturdier than yours, of course you are very fathomless also this; That time you touched me, you are almost namely touched me forever, because I am met,remember be being touched then. It is changeful that I understand you, those who relapse, contradictory, I know your miserable and shabby life and indigent dream.
火星文: 莪啲話仳伱啲哽堅萣,當然伱吔很難悝解這┅點;那┅佽伱感動叻莪,伱就昰幾乎昰詠遠地感動叻莪,因為莪茴記住那感動。莪悝解伱昰噫變啲,反複啲,矛盾啲,莪懂嘚伱寒酸啲囚苼與貧乏啲夢想。
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