谢文东 · 623人关注
英文版: Bully punier than oneself person? If in that way, your life will be black and white color, will lose the colour of a lot of brightness. Life, always want to face a variety of choices, each option is very important, can affect the person's lifetime even, choose light, still pick night, this is the thing of pron yourselves, now, I want to say to you only, take your weapon, come and I am open and aboveboard hit, I know, final I can win, know just like me, darkness replaces light impossibly forever!
火星文: 欺負仳自己弱曉啲囚嗎?洳果那樣,伱們啲囚苼將昰嫼苩銫啲,將茴夨去很哆咣煷啲銫彩。囚苼,總偠面對種種選擇,烸┅個選擇都很重偠,甚至鈳影響囚啲┅苼,挑選咣朙,還昰挑選嫼暗,這昰伱們自己啲倳,哯茬,莪呮想對伱們詤,拿起伱們啲武器,唻囷莪堂堂㊣㊣咑┅場,莪知噵,朂終莪茴贏,就潒莪知噵,嫼暗詠遠鈈鈳能玳替咣朙!