平凡的世界 · 729人关注
英文版: The flower when life flourishingly in full bloom when, died of old age between abruptly however. Human tree who knows wither and fall such how many flower. Cold completion mud, have sweet as before only... beautiful flower died of old age also is beauty. Yes, beautiful. Beautiful flower is ageless; That flower still is opened in his mind...
火星文: 當苼命啲婲朵㊣蓬葧怒放啲塒候,卻猝然間凋謝叻。囚類の樹誰知凋落叻哆尐這樣啲婲朵。冷落成苨,呮洧馫洳故……媄麗啲婲朵凋謝叻吔昰媄麗啲。昰啲,媄麗。媄麗啲婲朵詠鈈凋謝;那婲依然茬彵惢頭開放……