安妮宝贝 · 657人关注
英文版: Human relation is in this times, drive with profit trend and target more, each other quality of a material or nature regard and rather than as the fountainhead place of fun. Once remember the point that becomes aware its are drab and clinking,this is. It is not easy to get meeting having joyous person clear.
火星文: 囚際關系茬這個塒玳,哆鉯利益趨姠囷目標推動,洏非彼此啲質地戓兲性作為圞趣啲源灥所茬。這昰┅旦想起便覺其乏菋無仳の處。嘚箌相見洧清歡啲囚並鈈容噫。