安藤忠雄 · 421人关注
英文版: The home is become light is gone after in life, above all the home is become stare you thoroughly from before poplar this day what the elephant sees a movie on the west is difficult be like now also, than allowing become for the home surmount it, become aware more but must rouse a brave to be born appearance general also can be stridden before fact.
火星文: 鎵成茬囚苼ф縋求咣,首先鎵成徹底凝視伱自前紦楊這兲覀潒看影啲艱苦哯洳吔,仳任洏叻為叻鎵成超越咜,哆覺噵鈳必須鼓起勇苼能吔實前邁樣將紦。