傅雷 · 625人关注
英文版: Artistic not only cannot perceptual knowledge of be confined to, still cannot reason of be confined to is known, the feeling that must want to have the 3rd situation is thorough. Change character, the artist needs most, besides reason, still have word of a love! The heart of alleged a newborn baby, not only show chasteness is cherubic, point to pure and fresh, and still point to love!
火星文: 藝術鈈但鈈能限於感性認識,還鈈能限於悝性認識,必須偠進荇第三步啲感情深入。換訁の,藝術鎵朂需偠啲,除叻悝智の外,還洧┅個愛芓!所謂赤孓の惢,鈈但指純潔無邪,指清噺,洏且還指愛!