爱因斯坦 · 427人关注
英文版: If one mastered the fundamental theory of his course, and mastered independence work, he is sure the way that can find him himself, and compared with the sort of basically groom in order to gain detail knowledge for its the person of content comes, he can get used to progress and change better certainly.
火星文: 洳果┅個掌握叻彵啲學科啲基礎悝論,並且學茴叻獨竝地思考囷工作,彵必萣茴找箌彵自己啲噵蕗,並且仳起那種主偠鉯獲嘚細節知識為其培訓內容啲囚唻,彵┅萣茴哽恏地適應進步囷變囮。