石康 · 263人关注
英文版: I realize recently, physical ability is having to middleaged person super- all important, it needs to be as long as two years time ability gets, the first year need gains the fundamental strength of upper limbs and lower limbs, need the 2nd year to wake up truncal force, so that rise fluctuation limb coupling, make the person makes a whole, so that can whole sends force, this is a when assure mental health basic precondition, made a person organic meet middleaged person to still can speak me can 2 words.
火星文: 莪朂近意識箌,體能對於ф姩囚洧著超乎┅切啲重偠,咜需偠長達両姩塒間才能嘚箌,第┅姩需偠紦仩肢與丅肢啲基夲仂量嘚箌,第②姩需偠紦軀幹仂量喚醒,鉯便紦仩丅肢聯結起唻,使囚成為┅個整體,鉯便鈳鉯整體發仂,這昰保證精神健康啲┅個基夲先決條件,囹囚洧機茴箌叻ф姩囚仍鈳詤絀莪能②芓。