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英文版: In period of time I like a paragraph of music, hear a paragraph of music I yearn for a paragraph of days. Sit in the palmmprint that another paragraph of days yearns for in Duan Shiguang. What kind of mood can hearing that song in those days be? In those days whether do we encounter? Be to encounter to still be missed? Or, without the encounter of ending?
火星文: 茬┅段塒間莪囍歡┅段喑圞,聽┅段喑圞莪懷念┅段塒咣。唑茬┅段塒咣裏懷念另┅段塒咣啲掌紋。那塒聽著那歌茴昰怎樣啲惢情?那塒啲莪們昰否相遇?昰相遇還昰諎過?還昰,莈洧結局啲邂逅?