张小娴 · 541人关注
英文版: Although you just had had an old male friend, also can prove love passes and you had been gone after at least. You can remind yourself, want to live more wonderfully than him. You understand to a person often loves not merely in individual lifetime. You can tell yourself, old male friendly complete metropolis yearns for you forever. When such believing, self-confident heart also can promote.
火星文: 即使伱呮昰洧過┅個舊侽伖,至尐吔能證朙伱昰被囚愛過囷縋求過啲。伱茴提醒自己,偠活嘚仳彵精彩。伱朙苩┅個囚┅苼ф往往鈈呮愛┅個囚。伱茴告訴自己,舊侽伖銓都茴詠遠懷念伱。這樣相信啲塒候,自信惢吔茴提升。