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英文版: What is ideal? I think it includes two fields, the first, ideal is the heart wishs mediumly scene, also make dream, program, look forward to, anyhow is the description of pair of good future. Call this to wish on MBA classroom now scene, and before we call it the dream, perhaps use the simplest expression means: Be brought up what to do later.
火星文: 什仫昰悝想?莪想咜包括両方面,第┅,悝想昰惢ф啲願景,吔叫夢想、規劃、憧憬,總の昰對媄恏未唻啲描述。哯茬MBA課堂仩紦這叫願景,洏の前莪們叫咜夢想,戓者鼡朂樸素啲表達方式:長夶鉯後幹什仫。