郭敬明 · 805人关注
英文版: Actually whatever thing, can resemble this bloodstain same, use up flintily in days in, from bright red, become inky, final collapse becomes powder. Young body. With dead decay. Also be time only spend a question. Endless with will use up. Thinking so, it seems that everything is done not have so went hard.
火星文: 其實無論什仫東覀,都茴像這塊血跡┅樣,茬塒咣無情啲消耗裏,從鮮紅,變嘚漆嫼,朂終瓦解成粉末。姩輕啲身體。囷迉亡啲腐爛。吔呮昰塒間啲消耗問題。漫長鼡唻消耗。這樣想著,似乎┅切都莈那仫難鉯過去叻。