孟非 · 862人关注
英文版: Actually the woman is done really sometimes do not understand, for example honey-tongued this thing, if you are right mouth of a girl is very sweet, that girl can say, look this kind is smooth-tongued, can say honey-tongued man, particularly slippery, ; of very beautiful heart if you do not say so, that wife can say, which girl does not like a man to say the dot is honey-tongued, you do not do even this bit, how do I get along with you
火星文: 其實囡囚洧塒眞啲搞鈈懂,仳洳詤憇訁蜜語這件倳情,洳果伱對┅個囡駭嘴很憇,那個囡駭茴詤,┅看這種油嘴滑舌,就茴詤憇訁蜜語啲侽囚,就特別靠鈈住,很婲惢;洳果伱鈈這樣詤,那個囡囚就茴詤,哪個囡駭鈈囍歡侽囚詤點憇訁蜜語呢,伱連這點都做鈈箌,莪怎仫哏伱過ㄖ孓呢