邓布利多 · 933人关注
英文版: There are a lot of kinds of courages on the world. The enemy that revolts you needs outstanding courage, and the footing that holds to oneself before the friend, need greater courage. Because this is a kind of courage,be not only and need us to stand fast, this is for our friend more.
火星文: 卋仩洧很哆種勇気。反抗伱啲敵囚需偠過囚啲勇気,洏茬萠伖面前堅持自己啲竝場,需偠哽夶啲勇気。鈈僅昰因為這昰┅種勇気洏需偠莪們堅垨,這哽昰為叻莪們啲萠伖。