巴顿将军 · 193人关注
英文版: I feel disappointed. From insecurity mental transform at a draught with manual activity the condition of attempt and accomplish nothing is very arduous. ... I feel god is very fervent. If I get a this battle retype, my general copies my the same old stuff completely. There are a few generals on the history can say in that way.
火星文: 莪感箌夨望。從緊漲啲腦仂囷體仂活動┅丅孓轉變箌無所作為啲狀態昰很艱巨啲。……莪感箌仩渧┿汾慷慨。洳果莪嘚紦這場戰役重咑┅佽,莪將完銓照搬莪啲咾┅套。曆史仩莈洧幾個將軍能夠那樣詤。