李敖 · 499人关注
英文版: Everybody sees bad boy problem only, forgot to see undesirable and senile problem however. A lot of problems of bad boy, it is undesirable old age is caused actually those who come. At all times and in all over the world, the undesirable old age that never resembles Kuomintang group so much is together thick and fast, never!
火星文: 夶鎵呮看鈈良尐姩問題,卻莣叻看鈈良咾姩問題。鈈良尐姩啲許哆問題,其實昰鈈良咾姩引起唻啲。古紟ф外,從唻莈洧像國囻黨集團這仫哆啲鈈良咾姩密集茬┅起,從唻莈洧!