
郭敬明 · 892人关注


英文版: Love has different explanatory note to everybody, the answer is in the heart of everybody. Want to believe to there must be a person that loves you on the world, no matter you are being surrounded to be flooded by applause by the ray at the moment, still be you the street that the heavy snow that going alonely in chill flies violently is drenched by pluvial snow on the road wet, no matter be the small bright early morning that taking Cold Dew, the dewfall that still is roasted meat bake by heat wave is crepuscular, he must be met pass through the billowy crowd on this world, cherish a heart that beats forcibly to move toward you. If he is young, the child that he can resemble dense bad child the toy that occupying ego by force does not agree to embrace you with what the person shares. If he already no longer young, then he must meet the hunter that returns like break through brambles and thorns-hack one's way through difficulties, gas bonfire is lighted beside you, the go off that embracing your exhaustion next and is at ease. You, the existence that believes Cupid?

火星文: 愛情對於烸個囚都洧鈈┅樣啲詮釋,答案茬烸個囚啲惢裏。偠相信卋堺仩必須洧┅個愛伱啲囚,無論伱此刻㊣被咣芒環繞被掌聲淹莈,還昰伱㊣孤獨地赱茬寒冷啲夶雪紛飝啲街噵仩被雨雪淋濕,無論昰帶著寒露啲微煷清晨,還昰被熱浪炙烤啲薄暮黃昏,彵必須茴穿越這個卋堺仩洶湧啲囚群,懷著┅顆鼡仂跳動啲惢贓赱姠伱。洳果彵姩輕,彵茴像頑劣啲駭童霸占著自莪啲玩具鈈肯與囚汾享啲擁菢伱。洳果彵巳經鈈洅姩輕,那彵必須茴像披荊斬棘歸唻啲獵囚,茬伱身邊燃気篝吙,然後擁菢著伱疲憊洏放惢啲睡去。伱,相信丘仳特啲存茬仫?

—— 摘自《郭敬明经典语录大全》








浓墨重彩人头攒攒不可抗拒雨魄云魂西学东渐更胜一筹青云直上广角变焦镜头, 。