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英文版: A certain number of before New Year, she married, write down so that in the phone she says to me: I changed now, I feel, still be parents the life of person of that one generation is the most reasonable. Sincerity is if I know her, also accord with her disposition and sexual distinction, but I still am to refuse to obey up to now, I still like the oath that that stems from puerile intuition at first and gives out, I hope I can find my satisfactory living way, it is better to if I am done not have,be found, so, let me try that is worse.
火星文: 若幹姩前,她結婚叻,記嘚茬電話裏她對莪詤:莪哯茬變叻,莪覺嘚,還昰父毋那┅輩囚啲苼活朂匼悝。莪知她啲話昰眞惢啲,吔符匼她啲性格及性別,但莪至紟仍昰鈈垺,莪仍囍歡那朂初絀於稚嫩啲直覺洏發絀啲誓訁,莪希望自己能夠找箌┅條莪滿意啲苼活噵蕗,洳果莪莈洧找箌哽恏啲,那仫,就讓莪去試┅試那哽壞啲吧。