张晓风 · 783人关注
英文版: Loving a person often is a string of strange contradiction, you can be like father according to him, however he is like pity child; Honour he is like elder brother, answer bestow favor on him to be like younger brother; Consider division from at him, learn with him, want to teach him to become his prisoner of war again however oneself prentice; Kiss him to be like friend, answer gas he is like enemy; The hope becomes his empress, his only goodwife, the little servant girl that does him readily again however is little female slave.
火星文: 愛┅個囚瑺昰┅串奇怪啲矛盾,伱茴依彵洳父,卻又憐彵洳孓;尊彵洳兄,又複寵彵洳弟;想師從於彵,哏彵學,卻又想教導彵紦彵俘虜成自己啲徒弟;儭彵洳伖,又複気彵洳仇;希望成為彵啲囡瑝,彵唯┅啲囡主囚,卻又咁惢做彵啲曉丫鬟曉囡奴。