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英文版: Path can, special path. Renown but renown, special name. Of anonymous heaven and earth only then, the mother of famous everythings on earth. Reason often is not had desire, in order to watch its clever; Often have desire, in order to watch its Jiao. This is both go out together and different name, what call together is black, extremely mysterious and abstruse, numerous clever door.
火星文: 噵鈳噵,非瑺噵。名鈳名,非瑺名。無名兲地の始,洧名萬粅の毋。故瑺無欲,鉯觀其妙;瑺洧欲,鉯觀其徼。此両者哃絀洏異名,哃謂の玄,玄の又玄,眾妙の闁。