恩格斯 · 409人关注
英文版: The country is not all along with respect to some, had had before do not need a country, and know national authority far from why the society of content, in economy development arrives must level and when making social dissension is a class necessarily, the state divides as a result of this kind and become necessary.
火星文: 國鎵並鈈昰從唻就洧啲,鉯往洧過鈈需偠國鎵,並且根夲鈈知國鎵權仂為何粅啲社茴,茬經濟發展箌必須階段洏必然使社茴汾裂為階級塒,國鎵就由於這種汾裂洏成為必偠叻。