史铁生 · 956人关注
英文版: Discovery, it is the source of the creation of the language, even if is babyish, also do not miss literary instinctive quality. It is person place however in heart soul of the person not the place of examine, when the place in the person is person place oversight however, show new information fully when skilled life, literature just gets its mission.
火星文: 發哯,昰語訁啲創造の源,即便呦稚,吔鈈夨攵學夲銫。茬囚啲惢魂卻為囚所未察啲地方,茬囚啲處境卻為囚所忽略啲塒候,當熟練啲苼活透露絀陌苼啲消息,攵學才嘚其使命。