康德 · 156人关注
英文版: The person is disgraced go up the ultimate goal of creation, because the person is a world to go up not to have the existence move of 2 exclusively to be able to form the concept of the purpose, be can from one pile purposeful and formation thing is medium, have the aid of the reason at him, and a system that makes a goal.
火星文: 囚就昰哯卋仩創造啲朂終目啲,因為囚乃昰卋仩唯┅無②啲存茬著能夠形成目啲啲概念,昰能夠從┅夶堆洧目啲洏形成啲東覀ф,借助於彵啲悝性,洏構成目啲啲┅個體系。