杨澜 · 398人关注
英文版: Past is kind of experience, it is the step that marchs toward a success; Now is to plant go all out in work, taking what did not come to expect. Be not gone after so, you will not be had; Do not go developing, the answer is No forever; Courageously forward, just have happiness tomorrow!
火星文: 過去昰種經驗,昰邁姠成功啲囼階;哯茬昰種拼搏,帶著未唻啲期盼。所鉯鈈去縋求,伱將鈈茴擁洧;鈈去開拓,答案詠遠昰no;奮勇姠前,才洧媄恏朙兲!