刘华强 · 201人关注
英文版: In this kind of society inside, like us this kind does not have authority to do not have the other people of situation, want to be not bullied, what to rely on, what can you rely on? Fist, knife, the law of jungle, this is this society, this is the philosophy of life of my Liu Hua Jiang.
火星文: 茬這種社茴裏邊,像莪們這種莈權莈勢啲囚鎵,偠想鈈被囚欺負,靠什仫呢,能靠什仫呢?拳頭,刀,弱禸強喰,這就昰這個社茴,這就昰莪劉囮強啲處卋哲學。