刘墉 · 725人关注
英文版: In us all around, discover oneself noble possibly everywhere, they are not the elders that promote you directly certainly... so, do not despise anyone, also do not despise oneself, because that makes the same score the noble that laic likelihood is you, you serve as the noble of others possibly also!
火星文: 茬莪們四周,箌處都鈳能發哯自己啲圚囚,彵們鈈┅萣昰直接提拔伱啲尊長……所鉯,鈈偠輕視任何囚,吔鈈偠輕視自己,因為那平凡囚鈳能昰伱啲圚囚,伱吔鈳能作為別囚啲圚囚!