马云 · 384人关注
英文版: A company makes a mistake the most easily below two kinds of circumstances, the first be when having too much money, the 2nd it is to face too much chance, a CEO sees should not be an opportunity, because of the opportunity nowhere is absent, a CEO should see disaster more, strangle disaster in the cradle.
火星文: ┅個公司茬両種情況丅朂容噫犯諎誤,第┅昰洧呔哆啲錢啲塒候,第②昰面對呔哆啲機茴,┅個CEO看箌啲鈈應該昰機茴,因為機茴無處鈈茬,┅個CEO哽應該看箌災難,並紦災難扼殺茬搖籃裏。
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