茨威格 · 760人关注
英文版: You did not identify me, await in those days, forever, you also did not identify me forever. Dear, how I describe that flashy disappointment -- I am the destiny that was not recognized by you for the first time at that time, this kind of destiny is perforative in the lifetime in me, and still taking it leave the world; Was not recognized by you, had been not recognized by you all the time.
火星文: 伱莈洧認絀莪唻,那塒候莈洧,詠遠,伱詠遠吔莈洧認絀莪唻。儭愛啲,莪怎仫唻姠伱描述那┅瞬間啲夨望呢——當塒莪昰第┅佽遭受箌莈洧被伱認絀唻啲命運啊,這種命運貫穿茬莪啲┅苼ф,並且還帶著咜離開囚卋;莈洧被伱認絀唻,┅直還莈洧被伱認絀唻。