李开复 · 832人关注
英文版: Some of classmate is in in the university learn English to had taken an examination of 6 class of 4 class only, some classmates regard English as merely the skill with a kind of necessary to apply for a job will learn, return somebody to think to learn and use English to be equal to even worship foreign things. Actually, the primary purpose that learns English is to master a kind to learn and communicate a tool importantly.
火星文: 洧些哃學茬夶學裏呮為叻考過四級六級洏學習英語,洧啲哃學僅僅紦英語當作┅種求職必備啲技能唻學習,甚至還洧囚認為學習囷使鼡英語等於崇洋媚外。其實,學習英語啲根夲目啲昰為叻掌握┅種重偠啲學習囷溝通工具。