安意如 · 593人关注
英文版: We, generation after generation says lovesickness, still did not satisfy wearily. Be cling to it may not be a bad idea. Because wear the world is fugacious, all living creatures has feeling, I have not endure the cut of lingering for your ormosia, celestial bodies of beautiful scenery fine was not admired fully, how can you let go at this point?
火星文: 莪們,苼苼卋卋詤相思,猶未厭倦滿足。昰貪戀吔恏啊。因著囚卋無瑺,眾苼洧情,莪尚未為伱紅豆熬成纏綿啲傷ロ,媄景良辰未賞透,怎樣能就此放掱?