刘易阳 · 422人关注
英文版: We written guarantee of one's own accord for husband and wife. Begin from today, we gift the marriage since collective bear our responsibility and obligation, go up filial piety parents, issue godchild daughter, each other respects each other love, each other believes each other exert oneself, accommodate each other, immerse with foam, dote on lifetime!
火星文: 莪們自願結為夫妻。從紟兲開始,莪們將囲哃肩負起婚姻賦予莪們啲責任囷図務,仩孝父毋,丅教孓囡,互敬互愛,互信互勉,互諒互讓,相濡鉯沫,鍾愛┅苼!