杨绛 · 698人关注
英文版: Read be just like concealed body ground to string together the door, should refer to admiring teacher or pay homage to famous learned man, need not beforehand greets sb ask to see, also not be afraid that annoy is master, break up written rush into a gate, had turned over a few pages with respect to become more proficient in one's profession, and often can go, always go, if discursive, still need not demit and not, or find someone better qualified, confrontation with it.
火星文: 讀圕恏仳隱身地串闁,偠參見欽佩啲咾師戓拜謁洧名啲學者,鈈必倳前咑招呼求見,吔鈈怕攪擾主囚,翻開圕面就闖進夶闁,翻過幾頁就登堂入室,洏且鈳鉯經瑺去,塒刻去,洳果鈈嘚偠領,還鈳鉯鈈辭洏別,戓另請高朙,囷咜對質。