周国平 · 877人关注
英文版: Why living? Because life itself is aimless, this problem meets necessarily stealthily translate into another problem: How living? We are the goal that life sets, include god, artistic, career, love is waited a moment, it is the shift that our in order to spends aimless life only actually just, and life itself became an end.
火星文: 為什仫活著?由於苼命夲身並無目啲,這個問題必然茴悄悄地轉囮為另┅個問題:怎樣活著?莪們為苼命設置啲目啲,包括仩渧,藝術,倳業,愛情等等,實際仩都呮昰莪們鼡鉯喥過無目啲啲苼命啲掱段洏巳,洏苼命夲身則成叻目啲。