郭敬明 · 308人关注
英文版: Black hair catchs white, bai Xue catchs black, catch black by day, the night catchs white, fluctuation of left and right sides of world conversed around is black and white, then I make your inverted image, forever work is in completely as different as you the world, buried dusk, buried a flock of flowery and showily swallow remaining part butterfly.
火星文: 嫼發染仩苩銫,苩雪染仩嫼銫,苩兲染成嫼銫,嫼夜染成苩銫,卋堺顛倒前後咗右仩丅嫼苩,於昰莪就成為伱啲倒影,詠遠地活茬與伱完銓鈈┅樣卋堺,埋葬叻黃昏,埋葬叻┅群絢麗洏囮圚啲燕尾蝶。