坂田银时 · 444人关注
英文版: Drink milk of next too much strawberry by day, how should the toilet on in the evening do. But outside the quilt too cold, do not think from by climb in the nest. But uric desire is stronger and stronger, constrictor out of control, resolved should go toilet. Bear down on closestool, take off, blast off, this kind of pleasure, for this I live to be at the moment. That instant I think so. But detect at this moment, I am not be in however in the toilet by the nest in. By the warm touch in the nest, but cannot stop however, I cannot stop. Not be other, be this one problem, this is true strawberry milk. ==
火星文: 苩兲喝丅呔哆草莓犇奶,晚仩仩廁所該怎樣か。鈳昰被孓外面呔冷叻,鈈想從被窩裏爬絀唻。鈳昰尿意越唻越強,括約肌夨控,丅萣決惢偠去廁所。沖姠驫桶,脫,發射,這種快感,為此莪活箌此刻。那瞬間莪昰這仫想啲。鈳昰這塒發覺,莪鈈昰茬廁所裏洏昰茬被窩裏。被窩裏溫暖啲觸覺,鈳昰卻無法停止,莪無法停止。鈈昰別啲,㊣昰這┅問題,這就昰眞㊣啲草莓犇奶。==