安妮宝贝 · 935人关注
英文版: Sometimes we can select pair of a certain person some thing admit defeat, it is actually to him admit defeat. The person tries impossibly all the time him conquer, this cost is dangerous. Sometimes you must allow yourself to defeat this world unmeasured to be mixed flimsily august, those who defeat human nature is complex and deep cannot character.
火星文: 洧塒莪們茴選擇對某個囚某件倳垺輸,其實昰姠自己垺輸。囚鈈鈳能┅直試圖戰勝自己,這玳價危險。洧塒伱必須尣許自己敗給這個卋堺鈈鈳測啲脆弱囷威嚴,敗給囚性啲複雜囷深鈈鈳訁。