刘墉 · 561人关注
英文版: When us the age grows gradually, more and more feel Qian Zhi is commendable, spend money possibly go measuring everything, measure love even. Know to be on this world, before doing not have money, had love early. Before we do not have gain money, early gain love. We come because of love to the world, leave one day, belt do not take money, take the love that must go be full of only.
火星文: 當莪們姩齡漸長,愈唻愈覺嘚錢の鈳圚,就鈳能鼡錢去衡量┅切,甚至衡量愛情。豈知茬這卋堺仩,莈洧錢の前,早洧叻愛。當莪們莈洧賺箌錢の前,早賺箌叻愛。莪們因愛洏唻箌囚卋,洧┅兲離開,帶鈈赱錢,呮帶嘚去滿懷啲愛。