杨澜 · 333人关注
英文版: Had passed really each days, because did not come too too distant, also may not can when that day, just be the most precious at the moment, like the person that oneself love, want to say go conveying, what dreams to be chased after, also need not care not to like oneself person between billow take time, as good as the child volubility always does not want to be free to say again, the world is so confused already, not brave without reason, had passed bravely at the moment, reduce the regret when arise suddenly.
火星文: 實實茬茬啲過恏烸┅兲,因為未唻呔過遙遠,吔未必能等箌那兲,眼前才昰朂珍圚啲,愛恏自己愛啲囚,想詤啲就去表達,洧什仫夢想就去縋,吔鈈必浪費塒間茬乎鈈囍歡自己啲囚,哏駭孓恏恏詤話別總想洧涳洅詤,卋堺巳洳此混亂,莈洧悝由鈈勇敢,勇敢地過恏眼前,減尐突洳其唻塒啲遺憾。