安妮宝贝 · 953人关注
英文版: Look at him. Next she stands up, put on a coat. She says, then I had gone out. The out of control in him and in breaking down, she resembles an animal same, outside escaping to the door. There is brash enough news on dark stair. Disappear in cold wintry night next.
火星文: 看著彵。然後她站起唻,穿仩叻夶衤。她詤,那莪絀去恏叻。茬彵啲夨控囷崩潰ф,她像┅呮動粅┅樣,逃箌叻闁外。嫼暗啲嘍梯仩洧倉促啲足喑。然後茬寒冷啲冬夜ф消夨。