郭敬明 · 339人关注
英文版: The meaning of the life is summer came finally gradually in the winter in the past, and argumentative fear is worn like the ego that you also won't resemble junior ignorance again cold advent. Because you know to sweep across the past when brisk cold wind, green can coil afresh branch, without what the thing won't go.
火星文: 苼活啲意図昰夏兲朂終過去冬兲逐漸箌唻,洏伱洅吔鈈茴像姩尐無知啲自莪┅樣矯情啲害怕著寒冷啲唻臨。因為伱知噵當凜冽啲寒闏席卷過去,綠銫茴重噺卷仩枝頭,莈洧什仫倳情鈈茴過去。