李嘉诚 · 582人关注
英文版: Major person has fault of part of partial good qualities, be like elephant appetite in order to fight plan, ant one small spoon enough. Each one does his job, each must be needed, use with measuring ability for the principle; Resemble a machine again, if main parts needs to be started with 500 horsepower, although half horsepower and 5 horsepower photograph are compared,be small much, but also can produce one of part effect.
火星文: 夶蔀汾啲囚都洧蔀汾長處蔀汾短處,恏像夶潒喰量鉯鬥計,螞蟻┅曉勺便足夠。各盡所能,各嘚所需,鉯量才洏鼡為原則;又像┅蔀機器,假洳主偠啲機件需偠鼡五百匹驫仂去發動,雖然半匹驫仂與五匹驫仂相仳昰曉嘚哆,但吔能發揮其┅蔀汾作鼡。