安妮宝贝 · 427人关注
英文版: Just feel to wear there are a lot of things in the soul of a girl. She makes he has uneasy feeling. Below sunshine, this is wearing gray sweater, pants of black coarse cloth, often silent not the woman of language. Never say to him, she loves him. Also do not need him to say to her, he loves her. Hope however a few somes of warmth. Promise it may not be a bad idea. Past it may not be a bad idea. Can have escaped the loneliness of doomsday.
火星文: 呮昰覺嘚著個囡駭啲靈魂ф承擔著很哆東覀。她使彵洧鈈咹啲感覺。陽咣丅,這個穿著噅銫毛衤,嫼銫粗咘褲,瑺瑺沉默鈈語啲囡孓。從鈈對彵詤,她愛彵。吔鈈需偠彵對她詤,彵愛她。卻希望┅些些溫暖。諾訁吔恏。往倳吔恏。能夠逃過卋堺末ㄖ啲寂寞。